Rabbit Money - Loans and Financial Services
We produced an action-packed and fast-paced TV commercial for Rabbit Money, a loan company that emphasizes their fast processing times on their loan applications.
Video Commercial Production
Recently, we collaborated with Rabbit Money, a leading loan company in Hong Kong, on their latest TV commercial (TVC) production. The TVC aims to promote their quick loan application processing times. Reflecting their speed, our production schedule was also fast-paced.
Thanks to the dedicated crew at Media Studio and our talented actors, we completed the project within the limited timeframe, delivering a high-quality TVC that has impressed audiences. We are thrilled to have worked with Rabbit Money, an excellent business partner. We hope this TVC helps them achieve their business goals.
Studio Photography
In addition, we are proud to offer our studio photography services. The models were fantastic, and the shoot was a memorable and enjoyable experience. Unlike traditional production houses, Media Studio is happy to share our studio for capturing the best photos. You can have a meeting with us and take photos simultaneously!