D2 Place Back To School 2024

Sep 7, 2024
5 min read
Grant Yim

Event Highlight

The recent live music concert at D2 Place was nothing short of spectacular, bringing together the best of Hong Kong's music and event management talents. With Monster as a key sponsor and Tackle Lab at the helm as the main organiser, the event drew massive crowds eager to witness performances by local favorites Jiggy Boy (JB) and ByeJack. Their high-energy performances electrified the venue, creating a thrilling atmosphere that had everyone buzzing with excitement.

Tackle Lab's meticulous planning ensured the event ran smoothly, from sound checks to stage management. The intimate setup of D2 Place was ideal, making every performance feel personal while delivering an unforgettable experience for all attendees. Their seamless coordination truly highlighted Hong Kong's vibrant live entertainment scene.

Capturing the magic of the night was Media Studio Hong Kong, in charge of both photography and videography. Their talented team skillfully immortalised every key moment, from the artists' on-stage energy to the crowd’s enthusiastic reactions. The professional quality of their work allowed fans to relive the night through stunning visuals shared across social media.

Overall, the D2 Place concert demonstrated the exceptional expertise of Hong Kong's event management industry, successfully blending top-tier brand sponsorships, local artistic talent, and expert media coverage. It was an evening that truly celebrated the power of live music and the creativity of Hong Kong's entertainment scene.

Dance Competition

The live music concert at D2 Place wasn’t just a showcase of musical talent; it also featured an exhilarating dance competition that brought together some of Hong Kong’s most enthusiastic and passionate dancers. The competition highlighted the involvement of various university clubs and local dance groups, adding a dynamic layer of energy to the event.

From the very start, the dancers brought their A-game, performing with exceptional enthusiasm and determination. Their routines ranged from contemporary styles to hip-hop, showcasing the incredible diversity within Hong Kong's dance scene. University clubs and independent dance groups alike took the stage with fierce competition, each bringing their own unique style and creativity to the mix. The audience was completely mesmerised by the dancers' precision, energy, and the undeniable chemistry they shared with the music, particularly during performances by artists like Jiggy Boy (JB) and ByeJack.

The level of talent displayed was truly remarkable, making it clear that Hong Kong's dance community is thriving. The competition not only gave these dancers a platform to show off their skills, but also brought them into the spotlight alongside the musicians, elevating the entire evening’s entertainment. It was a thrilling showcase of passion and artistry, leaving the audience and performers alike in awe.

Derek Love Donation

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Derek Love for his generous donation of HK$10,000 towards the dance competition. Your support has truly elevated the event and provided an incredible opportunity for our talented dancers to showcase their skills.

A big congratulations to all the winners for their fantastic performances! Your hard work, passion, and dedication shone through, making the competition an unforgettable experience. We are immensely proud of each and every one of you and look forward to seeing your future achievements. Thank you again, Derek, for your invaluable contribution!

Event Highlight

最近於D2 Place舉行的現場音樂會可謂精彩絕倫,聚集了香港最頂尖的音樂和活動管理人才。在Monster的主要贊助下,由Tackle Lab擔任主辦單位,這場活動吸引了大量觀眾前來欣賞本地人氣藝人Jiggy Boy (JB) 和ByeJack的精彩演出。他們充滿能量的表演點燃了全場,為現場帶來了令人振奮的氣氛,讓觀眾無比興奮。

Tackle Lab的細心策劃確保了整個活動的順利進行,從音響檢查到舞台管理都一絲不苟。D2 Place的親密場地設置也非常合適,讓每場表演都顯得個性化且充滿互動,為所有觀眾帶來難忘的體驗。Tackle Lab無縫的協調工作完美展示了香港充滿活力的現場娛樂場景,進一步提升了整個活動的質感與專業度。

捕捉這個夜晚魔力的是Media Studio Hong Kong,負責整晚的攝影和錄影。他們的專業團隊巧妙地將每個關鍵時刻永恆化,無論是藝人在台上的活力表演,還是觀眾熱烈的反應,都被細膩地記錄下來。他們的專業作品品質讓粉絲們可以透過社交媒體上分享的精彩畫面,再次回味這個難忘的夜晚。

總的來說,D2 Place的音樂會展現了香港活動管理行業的卓越專業能力,成功結合了頂級品牌贊助、本地藝術人才與專業媒體報導。這是一次真正慶祝現場音樂力量與香港娛樂界創意的精彩夜晚。

Dance Competition

D2 Place的現場音樂會不僅僅是一場音樂才華的展示,還包含了一場激動人心的舞蹈比賽,匯集了香港最熱情、最有活力的舞者。這次比賽突顯了多所大學社團和本地舞蹈團體的參與,為活動增添了一層動感十足的能量。

從一開始,舞者們就全力以赴,以極大的熱情和決心進行表演。他們的舞蹈風格從現代舞到嘻哈舞應有盡有,展示了香港舞蹈界的多樣性。大學社團與獨立舞蹈團體同台競技,各自展現出獨特的風格和創意。觀眾完全被舞者們的精準動作、能量以及他們與音樂,尤其是Jiggy Boy (JB) 和ByeJack等藝人表演時展現出的無可否認的化學反應所吸引。


Derek Love Donation

我們衷心感謝Derek Love慷慨捐贈港幣10,000元支持這次舞蹈比賽。您的支持真正提升了這個活動,為我們才華橫溢的舞者們提供了一個展現技能的絕佳機會。熱烈恭喜所有得獎者!你們的努力、熱情與奉獻都在比賽中充分展現,讓這次比賽成為一個難忘的體驗。我們為每一位參賽者感到無比自豪,並期待你們未來的成就。再次感謝Derek對這次活動的寶貴貢獻!