Have you taken the widely popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 16-personality test yet? What if it was a personality test for your favorite brand instead?
There is an acclaimed marketing theory that divides brands into 12 archetypes. Each of these character types establishes its own unique image, allowing likeminded consumers to be drawn in and ultimately become loyal patrons. Carl Jung's twelve personalities are utilized as the basis for this concept - all broken down into further categories:
Explore Spirituality
The Innocent
Keywords: innocence, simplicity, optimism, simplicity
- Dove
- Johnson’s
The Explorer
Keywords: explore, adventure, unknown
- The North Face
The Sage
Keywords: professional, knowledgeable, smart, leadership
- University of Oxford
Provide Structure
The Caregiver
Keywords: caring, warmth, empathy, generosity
The Creator
Keywords: innovative, unique, epoch-making
- Apple
The Ruler
Keywords: dominant, authoritative, black and white
- Rolex
- LV
Pursue Connection
The Lover
Keywords: romance, sensuality, glamour, passion
- Chanel
- Victoria’s Secret
The Everyman
Keywords: life, approachable, public, daily life
The Jester
Keywords: joy, humor, witty
- Durex
- dbrand
Leave Legacy
The Outlaw
Keywords: rebellion, subversion, revolution
- Virgin
The Magician
Keywords: dream come true, create transformation, magic power
- Disney
The Hero
Keywords: positive, courageous, challenge-seeking, candor
- Nike「Just do it! 」
- Fedex 「We Live To Deliver!」
Are you wishing to create a clear personality for your brand? We're here to help with two great tips:
Once you've determined the positioning of your brand, it's time to utilize keywords that tie in perfectly with its personality. Select elements that fit within the framework and construct accompanying slogans, symbols, and promises so as to further solidify a connection between your target audience and these aspects.
Every successful business has an iconic identity- one which sets them apart from competitors in their sector. This is why capitalizing on branding endeavors often reaps fewer financial rewards than product promotion does; yet numerous brands still prioritize this vital strategy regardless!
If you’re looking to create a unique identity for your brand and set yourself apart from the competition, our team of media experts at Media Studio is here to help. We can work with you to develop an effective and engaging campaign that will establish your brand in the minds of consumers. With decades of experience behind us, we are confident that we can craft a memorable image for your business that will drive sales and promote loyalty among customers. Click the Contact Us button right below if you're ready to take your branding strategy up a notch!
最近流行嘅MBTI 人格測驗,相信人人都做過。如果幫品牌做一次測驗,你又估唔估到結果會點呢?
品牌個性基於心理學家Carl Jung提出的十二人格延伸而成,從四大類型再細分十二個項目:
探索靈性 Explore Spirituality
天真者 The Innocent
- Dove
- Johnson’s
探險者 The Explorer
- The North Face
智者 The Sage
- University of Oxford
確立秩序 Provide Structure
照顧者 The Caregiver
創造者 The Creator
- Apple
支配者 The Ruler
- Rolex
- LV
重視連結 Pursue Connection
愛人 The Lover
- Chanel
- Victoria’s Secret
凡夫俗子 The Everyman
喜劇演員 The Jester
- Durex
留下印記 Leave Legacy
亡命之徒 The Outlaw
- Virgin
魔術師 The Magician
- Disney
英雄 The Hero
- Nike「Just do it! 」
- Fedex 「使命必達!」