Are you under the impression that SEO is too difficult and not worth your time? On the contrary, even its foundational concepts are simple to comprehend. Most website owners have a rudimentary understanding of this powerful tool; just by having some base knowledge on SEO you can easily outshine most competitors' efforts.
In this post, you will glean valuable insights into search engine optimization (SEO) that can be beneficial for newbies.
- What is SEO?
- How do search engines work?
- How to use these SEO principals to show up on Google?
What is SEO?
SEO, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, is the process of attaining natural and organic web traffic through search results on popular browsers like Google. It's a straightforward way to drive quality visits to your website with no expenditure required.
SEO is grounded in comprehension of the search engine algorithm, optimizing both internal and external website features, augmenting a website's ranking among natural search results to gain more traffic flow and finally achieving desired objectives such as e-commerce sales or brand promotion.
Although there are other search engines, Google reigns as the preeminent player in this realm. Consequently, most websites design their digital presence to be optimally visible on the first page of a Google search result - and understandably so, since this is the most cost-effective approach to SEO.
Furthermore, many website owners disregard the most important aspect of SEO: user intent. Ultimately, optimizing content for users is really what search engine optimization is all about since Google’s algorithm concentrates on providing a great experience for its customers.

How do search engines work?
Google's algorithm provides you with the optimum results in the blink of an eye. To do this, it trawls through its comprehensive index database to find webpages that best match your search query and displays them for you right away.
How does Google decide which search results to show first? Although their algorithm is a tightly-guarded secret, we know from the guidelines of SEO that website and web page rankings are determined by certain key criteria. These include:
1. Relevancy
When you search for "Kwun Tong restaurants", would it make sense if the results showed restaurants in Sham Shui Po? Absolutely not! This is why Google will scour the web to find pages that best answer your query. However, don't expect to see only the most relevant page on top of each search result since there can be thousands upon thousands of matches when searching a general term - with more specific terms yielding narrower and thus more accurate results.

To decide which results to display on the top of a search, an algorithm is designed based on the following factors:
2. Authority: Is your page accurate and trusted
Wondering how Google understands if a website is reputable? It examines the number of links from other pages to that page (also known as "backlinks"), and more external links mean higher search engine rankings. To discover the authority of any site, you can turn to Ahrefs' web authority checker for an easy solution!

3. Usability
Even if your page is authoritative and relevant, Google may not rank you high due to an inadequate level of usefulness. Notably, Google revealed in a separate article the distinction between "high quality content" and "useful content".

For instance, if you search for "keto diet", Search Result A is an article crafted by the world's premier authority on the topic. Despite its high-quality content and plentiful external links, it lacks organization and contains terminology that makes it impenetrable to non-experts. In contrast, Search Result B may actually have a greater ranking than A despite being from a newer website with fewer outbound links--its structure is well organized, clear in meaning even for laypeople.
Organic Search Results VS Paid Search Results
Google search results can be broken down into two main categories: Organic Search Results and Paid Search Result. Natural search result is affected by SEO, while SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and PPC (Pay per Click) advertising refer to the more commercial side of things - the paid search result section. This part typically appears at either the top or bottom of naturalsearch results; its order is determined by how much a company pays for said keyword.

How to use these SEO principals to show up on Google?
1. SEO Keyword Research
To optimize SEO on Google search results, you'll need to identify the two main categories of keywords: product and information. Product keywords are what users inquire when they're looking for a specific item - i.e., "free shipping tennis shoes", "Nike tennis shoes" or even "flat tennis shoes." Information keywords refer to queries that don't necessarily have anything to do with your product, such as "tennis serve tutorial” or “proper backhand style". If you want maximum visibility in searches related to your business, take the time to incorporate both types of key phrases into your website's content. But where can you find these perfect set words? With a little research...
a. Use Google Search Suggestions

b. Use Keyword Reseasrch Tools
Google's keyword planning tool is the most widely-used free resource for researching keywords, and can be used to create both SEO strategies as well as campaigns for Google Ads.

Quickly enter the relevant details or product keywords of your search query and get access to a range of related keywords, as well as their associated search volume data and other metrics.

If you're looking for the most effective SEO keyword tools, SEMRush (free with registration), (free) and Ahrefs (paid) are all highly recommended. Still don't know where to start? Check out our article on the topic: Boost Your Rankings Now: Try These 8 Incredible Google SEO Tools Today!
2. Create SEO Friendly Content
To increase the chances of appearing on the first page of a Google search, create content that is optimized for SEO. What makes content SEO friendly? Consider these points:
a. Create pages with remarkable, top-notch content.
A product or service page should be designed to attract customers, not just visitors. This means focusing on the advantages and capabilities that a customer would gain from purchasing it. As an example, take a look at Baremetics' website—it's clear how well-crafted this page is in showcasing the benefits of its products and services.

b. Update your site
According to a research by Hubspot, websites that post content frequently are rewarded with 55% more visitors than those who don't. What's more, these sites tend to achieve higher rankings as they have twice the number of backlinks compared to those without regular postings.
What makes this even better is such practice isn't just restricted for news and discussion forums - it can be applied across different types of sites! We've seen Xccelerate, an up-and-coming technology institute in Hong Kong; First Page, a local SEO consultant; plus many others leveraging blog contents on their platform.
If you are looking at gaining traction within Google search results by 2023 - then its high time you get your creative juices flowing and start producing quality materials regularly or risk being lost amongst all sorts of new entries appearing daily!
3. Do On-site SEO/Technical SEO
To make your webpages more visible on Google and other search engines, SEO Onsite Optimization is an essential strategy. Here are a few of the most vital techniques to master:
a. Write a meta title and meta description for each page
Incorporating your keywords into the Meta Title tag and Meta Description of each page will significantly enhance optimization. Remember, this isn't just for Google; these tags are also seen by users, so they must be written to convey both keywords and an engaging description of what's on that particular page. Doing so should help optimize search engine visibility while also increasing user interest in clicking through!

b. Use keywords but don't spam them
When you utilize a keyword in your page, optimizing it to Google's standards is key. Too much repetition and the search engine will penalize; too little usage and you may be overlooked. Utilizing an ideal amount of emphasis on your chosen words will make sure that Google notices all the hard work you've put into building great content!
c. Use related keywords and phrases
For example, if you produce a piece of writing about "digital marketing", then to further enhance the essay structure and creativity, utilize phrases similar in meaning such as "Internet marketing" instead.
d. Optimize photo file size and write alt texts for them
Identifying what an image is can be a challenge for Google, so to boost your SEO ranking, it's critical to include accurate descriptions of the content inside each image with file names and alt tags. Additionally, reducing the size of an uploaded image via TinyPNG or similar services will help increase website loading speed. All these steps are vital in optimizing images on your site; thus allowing you to realize greater visibility from search engines.

e. Create a great user experience
Despite being a subjective concept, user experience significantly impacts your SEO results. When usability is an issue, potential users become discouraged from visiting the website and are unlikely to link or recommend it elsewhere. Consequently, this makes it challenging for you to rank atop Google's search engine pages.
4. Do Off-site SEO
SEO off-site optimization mainly entails the formation of external links; research has demonstrated that the amount and caliber of these external links have a noteworthy impact on PageRank.

a. Link Authority
Building a link from an authoritative website is far more beneficial for your website's page rank than acquiring backlinks from small and low-authority websites. Two factors that gauge the credibility of any given site are Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA). To determine these metrics, use various online tools such as Ahrefs' Website Authority Tool or Moz's SEO Analysis Tool - both of which were highlighted earlier.
b. Link Relevancy
By incorporating relevant external links into your website content, you can experience a notable boost in SEO value. For example, if you article is about "keto diet", an backlink from a food blog may be more valuable than a backlink from a
c. Make useful resources that other pages want to link back to your page
If you've found this article to be helpful, why not share the knowledge with a link on your website, blog post or social media page? Not only does it benefit others by giving them access to valuable resources such as industry research reports, visual tutorials and free tools - but is also helps increase visibility for your own site.
I'm sure that after reading this short article, you will have a good understanding of what SEO is––not just a basic definition. You'll also know how to get the ball rolling and start optimizing your website's organic traffic! The last thing you wanna do is to pay some SEO agency and don't understand exactly what they are doing, so I'm glad you made it to the end.
- 什麼是SEO?
- 搜尋引擎以及SEO如何運作?
- 如何優化SEO,出現在Google搜尋結果第一頁?
SEO的意思代表 Search Engine Optimization(搜尋引擎優化)。簡單來說,就是從自然非付費搜尋結果(Organic Search)中獲取流量的技術和過程。更嚴謹的定義可以表述為:SEO是在了解搜尋引擎排名機制的基礎上,對網站內部及網站外部進行調整優化,改善網站在自然搜尋結果裡的排名,獲取更多的流量,達到網站銷售和品牌建設的目標。

1. 相關性

2. 權威性:你的頁面內容是否準確並且值得信賴

3. 實用程度

舉例來說,你搜索“生酮飲食”,搜尋結果A是世界上最知名的生酮飲食專家寫的文章,因為內容質量很高,所以有很多人鏈接到這個頁面,但是這個頁面內容沒有很好的組織並且有很多普通人看不懂的專業術語;搜尋結果B 是一個網站新寫出來的一篇關於生酮飲食的文章,也沒有很多外部的鏈接,但是他的內容條理清晰,組織的很好,普通人都可以看懂。實際上,搜尋結果B可能會得到比結果A更高的排名。
自然搜尋結果 VS 付費搜尋結果
Google搜尋結果分為兩個部分,分別是自然搜尋結果(Organic Search Result)和付費搜尋結果(Paid Search Result)。
自然搜尋結果是Google基於上面介紹的關於搜尋結果的影響因素,當我們討論SEO時,我們說所的都是自然搜尋結果。相反,當我們討論SEM(Search Engine Marketing)或PPC(Pay per Click)廣告時,我們是指付費搜尋結果。

1. SEO關鍵字研究
a. 可以利用Google搜尋框的推薦詞

b. 可以利用專業的關鍵字工具
最常用的免費關鍵字工具就是Google的關鍵字規劃工具,雖然它是用來幫助用戶建立Google Ads用的,但是也可以用來做Google SEO關鍵字研究


當然也有很多第三方的SEO關鍵字工具推薦,比如SEMRush(免費,需登記)、免費)及Ahrefs(付費)等等。如果想認識更多SEO工具,可以參考8個最重要的免費官方Google SEO工具及用法。
2. SEO友好的內容
總的來說,你的網站內容越好,出現在Google搜索結果第一頁的可能性就越大。究竟什麼內容才能算是SEO友好(SEO Friendly)呢?可以注意以下幾點:
a. 為你的產品或者服務頁面製作高質量的內容

b. 定時發表文章/部落格內容
今時今日,經常發佈文章的已經不再局限於新聞網站或討論區(hk01,Baby Kingdom等)。許多其他類型的網站都有自己的網誌,例如創新科技學院Xccelerate及本港另一位SEO顧問First Page。
3. SEO站內優化(On-site SEO/Technical SEO)
a. 寫好標題標籤及描述標籤
在你的標題標籤(Meta Title)及描述標籤(Meta Description)裡包含你的關鍵字

b. 在你的頁面內容裡適量地重複使用關鍵字
c. 使用同義詞及變體
比如你發佈一篇關於“digital marketing”的文章,然後你也可以用同義詞“Internet marketing”之類的進行替換。
d. 優化圖片

e. 用戶體驗
4. SEO站外優化(Off-site SEO)

a. 鏈接的權威性
來自權威網站的鏈接會給你的網站傳遞更多的權重(page rank),比起來自低權重小網站的反鏈重要。有兩個指標可以衡量一個網站的權重,一個是網站權重(domain authority)一個是網頁權重(page authority)。網上有不同的工具來查看DA及PA,例如剛介紹過的Ahrefs的網站權重工具或Moz的網站SEO分析工具。
b. 鏈接的相關性
c. 製造爭取外部鏈接的資源
- Google搜索你行業本身的關鍵字,了解客戶平時會搜索什麼有關的資訊
- 編寫及發佈一些SEO友好的內容或頁面
- 電郵一些網路雜誌投稿以建立一些外部鏈接